Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

Idstein, Germany

Fresenius University of Applied Sciences partners with Arizona State University to advance online learning for students in Germany

With more than 18,000 students, Fresenius University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest and most renowned private universities in Germany with a university for online learning plus campuses in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Idstein, Cologne, Munich and Wiesbaden as well as a study center in New York. Established in 1848 with a “Chemical Laboratory with Training” in Wiesbaden, today’s Fresenius University of Applied Sciences has over 175 years of history and covers a very broad, diverse range of subjects offering Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in the fields of Business & Media, Chemistry & Biology, Design, Health & Social Affairs. The University is part of the Carl Remigius Fresenius Education Group, one of the largest private and independent education companies in Germany with 18 education brands in Germany and abroad.
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    More than 150 Bachelor's and Master's programs
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    18,000 students, online education and 8 campuses in Germany
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    "Next Generation University": focusing on the labor market of the future and connecting teaching, research and practice with more than 175 years of tradition